Featured jobs

If you would like to post a featured job, you need to pay for a featured job credit. which will allow you to feature your job opening.

1 Job credit

1 featured job credit that can be used to feature one job opening.

$ 99.00 USD
1 job credit
Featured for 1 week
Published for 2 months
1 day approval
Verified company
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3 Job credit

1 featured job credit that can be used to feature one job opening.

$ 199.00 USD
3 job credits
Featured for 1 week
Published for 2 months
1 day approval
Verified company
Get started

5 Job credit

1 featured job credit that can be used to feature one job opening.

$ 399.00 USD
5 job credits
Featured for 1 week
Published for 2 months
1 day approval
Verified company
Get started

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5-10 candidates
Published for 14 days
Slow approval
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